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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day Three started off with Miss Sid welcoming everyone back for a fun filled day and a quick review of the 3 S's of money. This day was all about the 4 T's of Philanthropy, which are Time, Talent, Treasure and Trust. Today's featured philanthropist lunch was provided by 'The Chicken Salad Chick' with our speaker being Ms. Barclay Smith, Chicken Salad Chick Director. Barclay told us the story of how Chicken Salad Chick got its start and how it came to be the successful business it is today. She also shared with us the missions of the Chicken Salad Chick Foundation (CSC Foundation), which is to find a cure for cancer and to end hunger in America.

During Team Time, campers went to their groups and explored ways they can make a differences in their communities by sharing their 4 T's. 

Campers shared their thoughts about being a champion, continued working on ePortfolios, and had snack. 

Today our special guest speaker was newly elected District Attorney, Mr. Brandon Hughes. Brandon shared with us why it is important to share your 4 T's of philanthropy to help make our community great. He told the campers that they can achieve their life goals as long as they work hard.

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