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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day two of Camp iCare @ Our House kicked off with Ms. Sid welcoming everyone back as well as a recap of what we learned the day before. She then gave the campers an overview of today's topic which was the "3 S's of money." After Sid finished, we jumped right into our feature a philanthropist lunch and learn session. Today lunch was provided by McDonald's, which is where our guest speakers Marcus and Malcolm Marshall are the owner operators. They spoke to us about the hard work it takes to run a successful business, as well as some of the ways they give back to their community.

After the lunch and learn concluded,

the campers went to Team Time and began discussions about money. Campers learned what the 3 S's of money are; Spend, Save, and Share. They learned about how to spend their money wisely, and how they can share it effectively. They also learned about needs vs. wants during this time.

The campers continued working on their donor boards and their "Genius Zone" eBoards while others  visited the Camp iCare market to learn the difference between wants and needs as well how to spend money wisely.

Our special guest speaker Brian O'Neil. Brian is the Senior Vice President at Insurance Solutions Group of Auburn. He stopped by to speak with us about our money. He explained how credit is a double edged sword in the way that it can help and hurt you depending on how wise you are when it comes to using credit. He explained the differences between good and bad debt, as well as ways to help get out of debt quickly. 

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